
Psychometric Evaluation of Measures for Neurocognitive and Mental Health Outcomes among Adolescents

In Kenya and the rest of Africa, adolescents form the greatest proportion of the population. Yet, they face numerous challenges to their health and wellbeing. These include sexual and reproductive health problems, poverty, HIV/AIDS, and mental health problems. Little is known about the risks and protective factors for poor performance in neurocognitive and mental health measures in the adolescent population. In this research, we are trying to see if tools and measures developed in Europe and America can be modified for use in Kenya, to better understand adolescent health and development.

Objective of the research

To test and develop measures of neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric outcomes that can be used to evaluate functioning among adolescents aged 12-17 years.

Where is the study taking place?

This research has been conducted in Nairobi (Kawangware and Mathare), and Kilifi Counties, from March 2019.

Who got involved?

In Nairobi, 200 adolescents living in Kawangware and Mathare, aged between 12-17 years were invited to participate in this study. They were randomly identified from the general population.

Additionally, some adolescents were invited to participate in group discussions with other adolescents.

Permission was sought from parents or guardians of adolescents prior to taking part in research activities.